Meet Fiona Griffiths – Harry Bingham
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Meet Fiona

Most interviews with fictional characters involve quite a lot of disclosure – you know, giving the reader some actual information. Unfortunately, Fiona’s not particularly into revealing information about herself and she isn’t particularly truthful either. As her author, I’m slightly conflicted here. On the one hand, my first duty is always to you, the reader. On the other hand, Fiona is Fiona and there’s a limit to what I can do. So the interview that follows isn’t particularly helpful and it’s not always quite 100% truthful either. I’m sorry about that! I did try.

(Oh, and Fiona’s not really fictional at all. She lives at least as intensely as you or me – and probably a fair bit more besides. If you haven’t yet read the books, you jolly well should.)

26 (at the start of the series)


Detective Constable, South Wales Police

Murder & anything relating to murder

Welsh. Please don’t say ‘English’.

Relationship status:

About 5′ 2″

Hair colour:

Eye colour:
Don’t know

You don’t know her eye colour?
Well, sorry, no I don’t. I’m just her author. I write down whatever she does, says or thinks. But she hasn’t yet made a big deal about her eyes, so I don’t know what colour they are. She might look something like the photo (that’s Sophie Rundle in the TV version of the book) but she might not. I only know what she tells me. Any case, why are you concerned about her eyes? There are WAY bigger issues to worry about.

Like what?
Well, her health for one thing.

Health status:
OK, this is where it starts to get complicated. She’s technically fine. No health issues at all. Only, you know, she was ill for a couple of years as a teenager, and those things leave their scars.

Nature of illness:
Yeah, OK, I know the answer to that, but Fiona doesn’t talk about it much. In fact, she’s never told anyone at all. So, sorry, but I can’t really say. It’s kind of weird though.

Family background:
Two parents, two sisters, the whole family is united, loving, alive and well. Only…

Well, her Dad. What he does for a living. What he used to do.

Which is? And was?
Shucks, sorry. Can’t say. It’s another one of those areas where Fiona’s a little bit less than open.

Academic background:
Philosophy at Cambridge. Prize-winning student. One very, very smart girl.

Athletic skills:
Ordinary fitness, no particular athletic aptitudes. Not unless you include…

You can’t say, right?
Right. Sorry. Look, even her Criminal Investigation Department colleagues don’t know this stuff.

Relationship status:
At the start of Talking to the Dead? Single, definitely single.

And at the end?
Well, she wants to be normal. As normal as she can ever be. And that would certainly include a relationship, if she can make it work. Whether she can or not…

Does she drink?
No. Hardly at all

Does she smoke?
She says she doesn’t.

And does she?

Ultimate ambition:
To become a citizen of Planet Normal. To learn how to cry. To discover who she is. To have a boyfriend.

Meeting Fiona – the TV show

The first Fiona Griffiths book, Talking to the Dead, was turned into a 2-hour TV drama by Sky Living, with a stellar cast including Sophie Rundle, Russell Tovey, Keith Allen, and many others.

Fiona Griffiths portrait

Visions of Fiona (1)
Sophie Rundle in Sky Living’s adaptation of Talking to the Dead.

Visions of Fiona (2)
This is the Dutch cover of Talking to the Dead – I totally love it

Visions of FIona (3)
This is the first US hardback cover – a lovely image that ducked away from saying what Fiona actually looks like.

Visions of Fiona (4)
Sophie Rundle and Sky LIving again – they captured her inner uncertainty very well indeed.